Tuesday, November 25, 2008

study :)

this noon.. my dearest chiha kol n ask, cmne? & i ask her.. cmne ap ? she ans.. ur application la.. ohho, i said da kua result kew? Finally, Alhamdulillah.. after long time waiting n wanting.. hahha.. i'm going to be a student again.. yey~ :)))

<-- pix taken on interview day !

big thanx to my dear Nur Ashiha, tmn i p interview dat day.. sumber kekuatan i.. *hugs* For some0ne.. thanx for all ur support.. my babes, rili appreciate u all.. Watie dear, time kaceh manyak ye ~ friends and pepel in my life.. tqvm ! love.love -xoxo-

~special thanx bwat my family & all my sayangs yang selalu mendoakan yang terbaik dan meyokong dalam apa jua yg i bwat.. :)

bt deep in my heart rasa sedey cket na tinggalkan all my beloved mr. kt development ni.. they all besh bangat !! siyesly.. its not easy to find such sporting & flexible boss cm mine.. :DD i rili enjoy working here.. all my life, memories here.. takkan dilupakan !!

En. Aries, En. Syam, En. Halim & En. Zool :

wherever i go.. i will never forget this.. tq soo much ! for everything.. for care and pengertian all this while.. hihhi.. you guys Rock !! ;)
** jz hope nanti da ada partime baru saya tak dilupakan jela ey.. :PP

Illi Ainaa~


cz said...

really? congratz my dear fren..
so in what field ek?and kat ner?

the name is Illi Ainaa said...

thnx tammy.. :DD
mass comm, uitm shah alam.. :)

elL said...

kak illi,
big congratz!!!
gud luck keyh.
mek doakn ktk succes..

the name is Illi Ainaa said...

thnx dear ell..
hehe.. :DD
wish u bes of luck in evrythng u do too k~


Anonymous said...

tahniah ye..=)

aries said...

dun wori girl..setakat UITM Shah Alam tu sekejap jea kiteorang sampai..hehehe..dan if we all sampai sana nanti..sila la kanselkan semua dating yea..huhuhuhu...

btw..we all pun amat 'berat' nak lepaskan 'bunga' sorang nie..sebabnya ainaa dah setkan satu standard yang tinggi kat opis nie..camne nak dapatkan replacement nanti yg achieve 'standard' tu...hehehhe

good luck sis...